Movable Type

Additional Dependencies

This importer requires the following additional libraries.

You may install the needed gems individually by running gem install GEM_NAME or install all of them with a single invocation:gem install mysql2 pg safe_yaml sequel sqlite3


Sample snippet to invoke the importer:

jekyll import mt --dbname DB --user USER --engine ENGINE --password PW --host HOST --port PORT --blog_id ID --categories --src_encoding ENCODING --dest_encoding ENCODING --comments

Option <PARAM>Description
--dbname DB

Database name.

--user USER

Database user name.

--engine ENGINE

Database engine (‘mysql’ or ‘postgres’).

Default:  'mysql'
--password PW

Database user’s password.

Default:  ''
--host HOST

Database host name.

Default:  'localhost'
--port PORT

Custom database port connect to.

Default:  null
--blog_id ID

Specify a single Movable Type blog ID to import.

Default:  null (all blogs)

When true, save post’s categories in its YAML front matter.

Default:  true
--src_encoding ENCODING

Encoding of strings from database.

Default:  UTF-8
--dest_encoding ENCODING

Encoding of output strings.

Default:  UTF-8

When true, output comments in _comments directory.

Default:  false
Highlighted row(s) in table above indicate required options.

comments, which defaults to false, control the generation of comment. If comments set to true, posts will be generated and placed in _comments directory.

All of the posts and comments will include post_id in YAML front matter to link a post and its comments.

To include imported comments as part of a post, use the yet to merge fork of mt-static-comments to include statically generate comments in your post. Fork and provide feedback if necessary.